ECP-VELOC Components
User documentation for all components
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 axl.hAsynchronous transfer library
 axl_async_bbapi.hImplementation of axl for IBM bbapi
 axl_async_datawarp.hImplementation of axl for Cray datawarp
 axl_pthread.hImplementation of axl using pthreads
 axl_sync.hImplementation of axl's synchronous mode
 er.hEncoding and redundancy library
 er_util.hEr utilities
 kvtree.hThis file defines the data structure for a hash, which is an unordered list of elements, where each element contains a key (char string) and a pointer to another hash
 kvtree_helpers.hHelper functions to pack/unpack kvtree contents
 kvtree_mpi.hHash MPI transfer functions
 kvtree_util.hImplements some common tasks for operations on kvtrees
 rankstr_mpi.hSplit mpi ranks into different communicators given a string
 redset.hRedundancy sets
 redset_io.hI/O functions
 redset_util.hUtilities for redundancy sets
 shuffile.hShuffle files between mpi ranks
 shuffile_io.hSome I/O utilities
 shuffile_util.hShuffile utilies
 spath.hThis file defines the data structure for a path, which is an double-linked list of elements, where each element contains a component (char string)
 spath_util.hUtilities for spath