ECP-VELOC Components
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KVTree is the core data structure of all of the components. More...


file  kvtree.h
 This file defines the data structure for a hash, which is an unordered list of elements, where each element contains a key (char string) and a pointer to another hash.
file  kvtree_helpers.h
 Helper functions to pack/unpack kvtree contents.
file  kvtree_mpi.h
 Hash MPI transfer functions.
file  kvtree_util.h
 Implements some common tasks for operations on kvtrees.

Detailed Description

Each KVTree object contains a list of key/value pairs. Each key is a string, each value is another kvtree object. This is a nested data structures, similar to a python dict or perl hash. The library provides functions to serialize a kvtree object to / from a file. It also optionally provides MPI send / recv functions to transfer an object from one process to another.

In addition to getter and setter utilities, this library provides serialization (for persisting an KVTree to a file) and optional MPI functionality.